- Allowed platforms: Anything that is able to produce a VGA or PAL signal, but please contact us beforehand for anything that's not C64, Amiga or PC so we can make the necessary preparations.
- Maximum size of all required files: 98304 bytes.
- On Amiga, PC, and Mac, the game is required to be a single file.
- Your game will be played by a member of your group, so expect to be called upon during the party. (If you don't come, one of the organizers will play. Consider yourself warned).
- Maximum showing time: 5 minutes.
- Game must be playable with whatever "standard" input devices your chosen platform has (so please, try to avoid using self-soldered controllers :)
- If your game is networked, contact us before submitting and set up a game server or other players yourself in time. If you have a dedicated game server, be warned that its size counts for the 96k limit!
- You may store files on the disk, as long as those are not required to run the game - that is, droppers that write a new executable are not allowed, highscores/savegames are.

- Platforms: Anything you can get a demo to run on!
- No size limit, get the maximum out of your chosen hardware!
- Maximum showing time: 8 minutes.
- Submissions must include a digital video of the entry, as MPG, MP4 or AVI file with MPEG1, MPEG2 or MPEG4 (XVid/DivX/h.264 codecs) video and uncompressed or MP3 audio. If you are unable to record such a file by yourself, please contact us early enough at the party so we can help you.
- You must deliver proof that your entry works on real hardware (i.e. bring the hardware with you and show the organizers).

- Be a video artist, render a 3d animation or show what you can do with Flash - anything that's, well, either an Animation or a Video fits into the competition.
- Maximum showing time: 8 minutes.
- Your entry has to be delivered as AVI/MPG/MP4/Flash file. Allowed video codecs are MPEG1, MPEG2 or MPEG4 (XVid/DivX/h.264 codecs); allowed audio codecs are uncompressed and MP3 audio. Naturally we'll try to convert everything else too, but we can't promise anything.
- We'll do a quality preselection.
- If you can't manage to record your demo in one of the supported formats, contact us at the party and we'll try and help.
- If you have no experience on how to make demos look good on the bigscreen, we strongly suggest reading this article by kb/farbrausch.

- A unofficial compo, organized by Sir Garbagetruck ().
- Maximum size: 80 * 1000 characters.
- ANSI entries must come with 4 working stages. Entries with missing or non-plausible working stages will be disqualified. Working stages for ASCIIs are nice, but not a requirement.
- Entries must state which video mode to use: Amiga-ANSI, PC-ANSI, Block-ASCII or Amiga-ASCII.
- Your entry will be shown with the latest version of AcidView.
- AcidView's built-in topaz font will be used for displaying amiga style ASCIIs.
- ANSImations/ASCIImations are forbidden!
- So is using iff2ansi, gif2ansi or jpg2ansi (or similar tools).

- A unofficial compo, organized by BeRo/0ok/farbrausch.
- The entry has to be delivered in .MOD, .S3M, .XM, .IT, .BRT format in a .zip archive.
- Maximum file size: 1.500.000 bytes compressed.
- No external plugins allowed. You may use neither VST nor any other kind of plugins, even if your tracker supports it.
- No MIDI-out instruments allowed.
- .MOD, .S3M, .XM, IT and BRT files will be played using BeRoTracker and converted to MP3 using BeRoTracker-based MOD2WAV + LAME MP3 Encoder (128 kbits).
- No prizes, it's just a plain just4fun compo
- Amiga musicians: Please submit your entries via Network or on PC formatted disks, multiple ones if necessary. This compo is prepared completely on PCs, so having to convert Amiga disks means a lot of effort we'd rather spend on the compo itself. You have to make sure sure that BeRoTracker can read and play your entry, otherwise your entry will be disqualified.
- If necessary, we will have a preselection. Entries that didn't make it through the preselection can't be voted for and won't be spread.
- Maximum playing time is 4 minutes. Tunes exceeding this limit will be disqualified without further notice!
- Only one entry per composer allowed.
- The composer has to be present at the party!