
There are several ways to contact us:

  • You can reach us via email at our hotline mail address .
  • Join the IRC channel #breakpoint on IRCnet.
  • If you need to contact us via regular mail or, in really urgent cases, by telephone, please use the contact details as given in the next section.
Imprint / Impressum

As required by the german Teledienstgesetz, our german Impressum follows (Angaben gemäß § 6 TDG):

Computerman PC-Services GmbH
Mainzer Str. 43
55411 Bingen am Rhein

Tel.: +49 6721 991177
Fax: +49 6721 991178

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikations-Nr. DE 189983487
Amtsgericht Bingen HRB 2870
Geschäftsführer: Simon Kissel

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