- The compo machines will be a PAL C64 with Retro Replay cartridge and a 1541-II floppy drive.
- Please state which SID chip to use (6581/8580). This information will be displayed on the info slides for your production.
- Please state if your entry requires any user interaction (pressing space at the end of parts, etc).
- The entry has to be delivered as .D64/.PRG file (strongly preferred) or on a 5.25" DD/SD floppy disk.
- If you have no experience on how to make demos look good on the bigscreen, we strongly suggest reading this article by kb/farbrausch.
If you have questions or suggestions about these rules, contact the organizers at .

- Maximum size is one 5.25" disk (both sides).
- Maximum running time: 8 minutes (including loading/precalc). Long scroller parts will not be shown in full length.
- The demo has to be started via RUN - no autostart, no SYS XXX required.

- Maximum size is 4096 bytes (16 blocks and 32 bytes). The production must be a single file. (Noters are OK).
- Maximum running time: 8 minutes (including loading/precalc, which won't be shown on the big screen).
- The intro has to be started via RUN - no autostart, no SYS XXX required.

Refer to the graphics competitions page.

SID tunes will compete in the Executable Music Compo (oldschool). Refer to the
music competitions page for details.