- Violating any of these rules will result in disqualification, so please pay attention.
- Only one entry per artist and competition allowed.
- The entry has to be delivered in .bmp, .iff, .png or .tga format, no lossy formats like .jpg please!
- Maximum resolution is 1920x1080 pixels.
- In case the image is smaller, please include an upsampled version of the image in your submission (aspect ratio preserving, obviously). If the image is smaller than 1920x1080 pixels, we will display it with black borders around the image as necessary.
- The entries will be shown once on the bigscreen and uploaded to the party intranet directly after the compo, so visitors can judge the entries on their own screens.
- We will have a jury preselection before the compos. Entries that didn't make it through the preselection can't be voted for and won't be spread.
- You must include exactly 4 (four) working stages of your entry. All entries without plausible looking working stages will be disqualified, additional working stages will be removed from the archive!
- The working stages must have the filename "step1.???", "step2.???", "step3.???" and "step4.???", where ??? is the extension of whatever format you use.
- You must also include a list of the tools used, to be displayed on the big screen.
- Only still images are allowed, no animations.
- Please make sure that your entry is free of third-party rights! (For example, you may not include photographs if you don't own the copyright or have a legal license for it).
- If you have no experience on how to make graphics look good on the bigscreen, we strongly suggest reading this article by kb/farbrausch.
If you have questions or suggestions about these rules, contact the organizers at .

- Use every tool you wish, pixel, render or scan and retouch whatever, just let your creativity flow.
- If your working stages don't look plausible, your entry will be disqualified.

- Your entry has to be a photo taken by yourself.
- No plain snapshots, select interesting motives!
- Focus in this compo is on composition, lighting and atmosphere.
- Retouching work is allowed, drastic changes to the motive/composition aren't. (If in doubt, contact us beforehand at ).
- Please include your original photo as .jpg with decent quality settings.

- The entry has to be delivered as executable program (started with RUN), preferably as .D64 file or else on a 5.25" disk.
- Again, you must include exactly 4 (four) working stages of your entry, and all entries without plausible working stages will be disqualified. This goes for all Graphics compos, but this rule is most often violated for C64 Graphics, so we repeat it here. These working stages may be on a different disk side or in a different .D64 file.
- Please include the tool used on your submission so we can check the working stages. If that is not possible for some reason, contact us on the party.
- All formats/modes are allowed. Please specify which mode you use, it will be displayed on the beam slide before the entry.
- Only the picture will be shown, no sound, no decrunch sequence, no credits screen.
- If your working stages don't look plausible, your entry will be disqualified.
- Scrolling pictures are not allowed.

- Entries will be run on the competition PC and must be delivered as executable in a .ZIP file (or other archive), just as entries for the PC 4k intro competition.
- Maximum resolution is 1920x1080 pixels.
- All entries will be shown using aspect-ratio preserving stretch; that is, 4:3 and 16:10 video modes will be letterboxed (with a black border at the left and right sides), while 16:9 images get to use the full area of the big screen. We will not stretch 4:3 demos horizontally to fill the whole screen. Most importantly, do not set a 4:3 video mode then perform letterboxing yourself (it will needlessly cause your entry to be shown smaller than it needs to be).
- Animation and sound are not allowed! Entries must start with a blank screen (solid color, typically black) and switch to the final image as soon as it is ready. Fade-in effects or incremental rendering count as "animation" for the sake of this definition.
- Maximum rendering time: 30 seconds (from starting the executable to the final image being displayed).
- Maximum size is 4096 bytes for the executable. All other files in the archive will be deleted before showing the entry in the competition.
- It is okay to deliver bigger versions of the 4k along with the compo version (which must be <=4096 bytes) in the same archive. We will not show the bigger version in the compo. If your packer doesn't work on the compo machine, it's your problem. We will be able to provide you with details about the compo machine, though.
- Please note that neither msvcr70.dll, msvcr71.dll nor msvcr80.dll will be available on the compo machine!
- You may assume d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_36.dll are installed.
- Java/.NET entries are not allowed.