After a long day of partying and working on productions, sceners are in need for a bit of musical entertainment - well, just as last year Breakpoint is proud to bring you the very best selection of music bands with demo scene background. Let's rock!

People who attended Mekka Symposium 2000 or 2001 will surely remember W:E. Those who own the Protovision Game "Metal Dust" will remember the Soundtrack exclusively produced by W:E. With their melancholic retro electro pop style with its analoge minimalistic sound produced by the 8bit computer we all love, the Commodore C=64, they really go back to the roots. Within over 15 years of work with this computer a dozen CDs were produced, and over 100 live gigs were held. You surely will wear your sunglasses at night, won't you?

Neo, Nexus, Jeenio and Knuetzler are rocking in the name of Ultrasound. Don't waste your time, the real show is inside! This is just what you need for a perfect day, after their much applaused performance last year, we are happy to have them playing this year again. So move your ass!

With Maali on guitars, Gargaj on drums, Bombe on bass, Sir Garbagetruck singing and jeenio armed with guitar and keyboard, nothing can go wrong. Scream and shout, dance and sweat, their tracks will move ya. Don't miss it!